Sauntering through the hallways of the skyscraper on the thirtieth floor of the building named 'The Kim Industries’, my hands were hanging down my flanks while one of the secretaries was escorting me to the office of the president. He is respected and feared in equal measures but not for me.

The clacking sound of the heels against the frigid black marble flooring was echoing through the hallways while my heart was hammering inside my ribcage as the rage inside me was hanging somewhere between my head and heart.

All I could do was nothing. I don’t even know why he called me here, in his empire. I could feel his icy demeanor lingering inside his building.

My heartbeat accelerated in a jiffy as the secretary who was walking before me halted his steps in front of a lavish black door, having a vast gold handle attached to it. This is the first time I came here and all I could think of is his visage, the way he looks at me with his deep, yet captivatingly lunar eyes.

His eyes, resembling rich chocolate orbs, possessed a captivating charm reminiscent of a bewitching enchantment. However, his overall demeanor stood in stark contrast to his majestic physique and striking countenance.

He snatched everything from me…. I came out of my reverie when the secretary knocked on the black door and we heard a muffled sonorous voice from inside the cabin, “Come in.” I gulped down as the secretary didn’t waste a second pushing the door open for me to enter inside.

I exhaled deeply, twitching my head upward to observe the man standing with his back facing me in the softly illuminated room, his figure silhouetted against the glass window. He was donned in a white shirt tucked inside his black pants, pocketing his hands inside the pocket of his pants.

The view of the surrounding buildings stretched out before us, creating a panoramic scene, with the moonlight delicately filtering through, casting a subtle and understated glow.

Coming out of my reverie, I heard his hoarse voice echoing in the cabin, “Leave us alone.” He declared to the secretary as I stepped inside the room before his secretary closed the door.

Summoning all the courage I broke the silence which was conquered all over, “Why did you call me here?” I asked as he twitched around almost immediately, gazing straight through my soul, just like he always does. “You already know.” He answered, taking steps towards me while I was standing just a few steps away from the lavish door with my eyebrows knitted together in befuddlement.

“What do you mean, I already know?” I asked another question as I was unable to acknowledge a single sentence he was saying.

Just as he made his way before me, I retreated a step back in accordance while I traced down his orbs which had a tincture of scarlet at the fringe of his eyes. His expression was ice cold while his eyes told me otherwise, I won’t ever understand him.

“Why did you even call me here when you thought I already knew what you were going to tell me? Hmm?” I declared, glaring back in his orbs while he poked his inner cheek with his tongue. His eyes were glimmering under the amber rays of the lamps propped on the wall of each side of the door.

Maybe my sentence provoked him but I do care less. “Say it already or I am leaving?” I declared with my raised-up voice when I heard him say, “Don’t you dare raise your voice at me.” He threatened with his sonorous tone but his threats won’t make me shut up as I said, “Or else? Hmm? You will kill me just like you killed my father!” I bellowed on his face which was his last thread.

I watched him pull out his hand from his pocket while I clenched my eyes shut, not knowing what he was about to do I retreated my step back when my back hit the door while the sound of him thwacking his fist over the door echoed through the room, “Shut up! Shut. Up!” He threw his fist on the door after shouting each word while I stood there with my eyes closed, holding my chest as my heart was hammering and my throat was dry. I was feeling like throwing up while my stomach churned up almost instantly.

“I didn’t kill Mr. Lee! I didn’t kill your father. Damn it!” He shouted at the top of his lungs as I opened my glistened eyes which met his ruddy ones while a lone tear escaped my left eye.

I could feel the hot water gushing down my cheek to my jaw as my blurry vision got clear while I blinked. I watched him tracing my tear down my jaw with his cocoa orbs and then looking back in my orbs while his once glower eyes turned bathetic just in a jiff.

Wiping off the moisture from my cheeks, I looked back into his eyes, “My father is not with me because of you. You were the reason for his death.” I poked his chest with my index finger while I could feel claustrophobic around him.

His aura was making it difficult for me to breathe in this dingy room. “You. Are. A. Murderer.” I said with my heavy breathing while he glided near me, making my already uneven breath hitch as the back of my head hit the door, “You will regret saying this one day.”

I breathed out against his visage while he propped his other hand beside my head, caging me, “F*cking tell me why did you call me here?” I said, gazing back into his dark and magnificent orbs. His breath brushed my visage while I could smell his lavender cologne, prior he retreated away from me as I took in a long breath.

Turning around again, facing his back at me, I heard him say, “Marry me.” Just as these words left his mouth, my eyes enlarged while I stared at his broad back, “What?” I shouted before making my way in front of him, “What did you say?” I asked again, trying to clarify if I heard him correctly.

He looked at me with his hazy orbs, “I said, marry me.” I gritted my teeth before saying, “Do you even know what you are saying? I don’t even want to see your face and here you are asking me to marry you. How did you even think that I would marry you in the first place?” I completed my sentence.

“Why? Why won’t you? Won’t you respect your father’s last wish?” He asked as I closed my eyes and let out a sigh, “Don’t say my father’s name from your mouth.” I declared as he sighed, “Dad’s last wish was to protect his company. What is the relation between marrying you and my father’s last wish?” I asked him while he slipped his hands back in his pocket before licking his pinkish lips to moisten them, “You can save your father’s company by marrying me.” He announced while I gazed at him, trying to decipher what he was saying.

“What?” I whispered as he said, “Protect the company from your conniving uncle by marrying me.” I scoffed at his declaration, “What do you think of yourself? Hmm? I won’t marry you. Even if you are the last person on this planet, I won’t marry you. Did you get that?” I declared and tried to end his confusion and the thoughts he was building up in his mind.

“Do you think I was asking you? I am telling you to marry me.” He said as I traced his eyes which didn’t leave my eyes for a second all along, “What do you even think of yourself? Who are you to order me around? You will get whatever you want at your fingertips?! I am not the type of girl you are thinking of, Kim Taehyung.” My chest heaved up and down while I was breathing with my mouth, he was just suffocating me more with his nonsense talks.

“I was not just a mere friend of your father-” I interrupted his sentence, “Don’t call yourself his friend.” I could see how he was controlling his anger as he closed his eyes for a few seconds, “Your father was close to me and I respected him. I won’t let his company fall into filthy hands. Do you get that?” He stated but his statement was making sense.

I can’t leave my father’s company which he has built through his hard work in some filthy hands. I will think of something other than marrying the man who is the reason for my father’s death. But his eyes always tell the truth. Why can’t I just believe the fact that he was the reason my father died?

“I won’t let my father’s hard work go in vain. I will think of something but I won’t marry you in the first place.” I declared when Taehyung took a step toward me making me retreat one, “What do you think of me? Am I a fool or something? I have talked with the best lawyer in Seoul and there isn’t any other way to protect the Lee Corporation. You can’t deal with this situation alone. Okay?!”

Thinking of marrying him was giving me goosebumps all over my skin as a shiver ran down my spine, I can’t marry him. I won’t marry him. “I will come up with something before the new CEO is chosen.”

“Can’t you f*cking understand?” He shouted as I closed my while he continued, “We couldn’t come up with something in a week. What will you be able to think in just one day? Hmm?” He asked, leaning closer to me as the propinquity between us was just a centimeter while he gazed down at me with his glower eyes.

Why am I not able to think of anything when he is looking at me with those mysterious orbs? Why is he so interested in marrying me in the first place? Why? This was making me anxious, perturbed, and mourning at the same time. What the hell is happening in my life?

“See, We don’t have much time and we have to do something quickly.” His voice came out to be soft yet with a tint of hope and entreatment.

The flabbiness in his voice didn’t go unnoticed but my aversion took the lead. “You are saying this because you must be seeing your profit with this marriage, right?” I could feel him balling his palm in a fist while his knuckles turned pale, his earlobe turned ruddy as he stretched his hand out to rub the tip of his nose before looking back at me.

I took a few steps beside him and was about to make my way toward the door when I heard his octaves deep voice, “Do you really think, you will be able to come out with something just in one day when your greedy uncle has threatened you that he will gain control over your father’s company.” He completed as I turned around to look at him while he was already facing me with his unreadable visage.

I was perplexed hearing him, He knows. He knows everything about how Uncle Lee threatened me yesterday at my father’s mansion. He is not easy to deal with. I don’t have any plans and there is no one out there whom I can trust but my heart is saying to trust him.

I have to take a risk, I only have him for now and myself. I can’t do anything else other than marrying him. “How do you know what Uncle said to me?” Taehyung let out a scoff before nudging his chin to a side tilting his head, “You still don’t know me and never will. Not just like that, I am the youngest billionaire in this country.” He has many things within himself and there is only one way to save everything, “I will marry you.”

They were damaged to the core of their heart but couldn’t lay their head on each other's shoulders.

All they can see is the hatred and rage hindering their eyes.

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